Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The difficulty between humanism and development of human being

   To be host, I always think by logical, also I have reasons for all my actions. I believe when I set up yourself a goal I will have strong motivation to achieve it. After seen these videos, I get more clear about the meaning of  what Karl Marx said when he wrote the  On Capital. I believe everything has two different sides and these sides are against each other. Animal test is a normally method to test the new kinds of medicines or chemicals. Also government set laws to force all the chemicals fatory and medicine fatory to do the animal test before they sell these productions to customers. I know the procedures to sell a new kind of medicine to public. In China, when the new medicine was invented by a fatory or a research institute.They have to report the medicine to government first. Then they will have the permit to do different kinds of tests on the medicine and send sample to an agency like FDA. Both the producer and agency will do a lot of tests. The most important tests are animal test and clinical test. If a medicine did not finish animal test it is iillegal to do clinical test. Also if the medicine pass the animal test it still needs more than 2 years clinical test before to sell it to the public as OTC. It totally needs at the least 5-8years to have a new kind of medicine.
    It is a extrem important procedure to test whether the medicines or chemicals are bad for human health or correctly transfer the gene. Even the animal test is not a good thing for animals and may cause some guilty feelings. I trust all the researchers did all what they can do to reduce the pains of the animal which are doing animal test. These animals will all treated well and humanism. The sacrifices of these animal will be keep in mind generation by generation.

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