Monday, November 16, 2009

The Video game topic

I have a new for all the people.

It is a CTV news. It reported that Montreal Government wants to kill the gun registry policy. I think the points in this new are interesting.

Here the link.

My research paper --- a new start mark

  Last week I finished my first research pepar. I think it was a precious opportunity in my life. The working processes of the research paper will never forget in my rest of my life. It is a start mark of seeking knowledge in North Amercia and Europe. At the beginning, it was very hard to find the real focus of the paper. I used to plan working a research which focus on the relationship between economy changes and the development of computer technology since first personal computer was made. After I had few timesconversation with my dear teacher sherry, I realized that my plan was too big. It maybe can not be done in half years. During the mapping processes, I worked out my first draft plan of my research paper. In this processes, I made a strategic mistake. My topic is too wide and too general.  Sherry suggests me to focus on only one year of the computer technplogy development. After that I begun to write the paper.

    This paper is not a complete draft. It has a third part whcih is focus on a modern computer technology company--- Apple Company. It is more well known commercial case. In this case, the innovation of Apple Company affected on the whole IT industry. The way of peaple using the technology products changed. It is mainly effects from Apply Company. A lots of products were named by iXXX, such as ipod, imac, iphone.
    In this projact, I think I have done a thing which is one of my dream. During the correction of the paper, I have talk with Sherry my plan. I attempt to pulish the paper in a famous and authoritative IT magzine --- Microcomputer. I planed to let my research paper be used as a next year`s focus topic in MicroComputer. Luckly I know one friend in this Pubisher. I think I will keep going and mark a beautiful period for my reseach paper.